Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lima Perry

Lima Perry tomorrow! BE a tough game! You all need to be there! 6 pm at Fairbanks High School Gymnasium!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Well this week is homecoming and we got Lima Perry a tough team. Let the events get underway!

Monday, January 09, 2006


Well we ahd a crazy weekend of basketball here at Fairbanks. First we went to the distant Lima Temple Christian and beat them but it was no walk in the park. Both the JV and Varsity underestimated the pioneers and was a struggle in putting them away. Then the big event came when Fairbanks went to the Value City Arena to play the Worthington Christian Warriors. I was ready for a close game down to the wire and instaed got a game of pure massacre! We did get beat in the Schott by a lot....... 79-53. But before the game i saw the Two best juniors in the nation battle against the Division 1 state champions. O.J Mayo and Bill Walker put on quite a show and cam out ontop with a game winning shot by Keenan Ellis a 6'11" big man! This game accounted for 12 total dunks! You don't get that at Fairbanks!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Rain Man!

Well our team right now is 6-2.... not bad but we got even tougher teams ahead. like Olentangy Liberty and Worthington Christian. So we have our work cut out for us! The Varsity has the same record as us, losing to the same teams as us. The freshman are on their way to glory! They are late bloomers but are on their way!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Well we are back! I dont know bout yall but my break was way too short! I was just playin ball and sleeping my whole break. We went 1-1 during the break beating a Licking County Christian team ( wink ) and losing in the last second to a Jonathan Alder team. We now have a struggling Lima Temple Christian team. Christamas was good and so was new year's. Good times during the holidays!!! I think it is great to be back in school.......... UHHH.....not. But I guess this whole education thing will get me SOMEWHERE!